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A Destination of Dreams by Jason Disley


Perfect Bound Paperback


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A Destination of Dreams is Jason Disley's essential collection of Modernist Beat Poetry that continues to explore what is both real and surreal, along with the art of existence. Caught between thoughts of the past, musings of the present and an uncertainty of the future, Jason Disley’s poetry distils the questions of identity and purpose and the age-old existential problems of being and belonging, against a filmic backdrop of familiar urban images played out in short, literary scenes. His latest anthology is a hybrid- a poetic-musical gem, set out as an album of diverse, long-playing tracks, aptly matching his contemporary beat-style to familiar snapshots of life which seem as dreamy as they are real. In connecting us, Disley skilfully juxtaposes the reader’s imagination into an infectious stream of consciousness narrative which snaps with pace and jazzy rhythms. They are knowingly familiar. A Destination of Dreams catches the voyeur at the window, the sound of traffic on wet, city streets, and the mad philosophies of the professor of thought. Jason Disley continues to develop his poetry here, or is it there? His delicious wordplay will throw your imagination across the liminal spaces of human existence.