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56 People I've Never Met by Carl Burkitt

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Perfect Bound Paperback Book, 84 Pages

ISBN 978-1-4710-5007-7

Print Book: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x

These fifty-six glimpses of real and imaginary people offers something else - a glimpse into the human psyche, into a sense of others, into life itself. These vignettes speak for all of us, with humour and an unbridled joy in what it means to be alive.

This is a celebratory collection, celebrating life, the living of it, the world in which we live, celebrating celebrations, celebrating celebrities, (and there are quite a lot of them featured amid these fifty six). Carl’s collection has that uncanny ability to bring the imaginary into the realms of the real to such an extent that it feels as if the subjects of these poems are, after just a few lines, people we suddenly know intimately.